Sunday, December 29, 2019

We All Have Evil Inside - 874 Words

We All Have Evil Inside Nathaniel Hawthorne is best known for his use of allegorical figures in his short stories. The use of allegories help its readers seek a hidden meaning of an object or character to help them understand their significance to the story. In 1835, Hawthorne wrote the short story of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† where the reader is introduced to an innocent and pure couple who are all about religion and against any evil worshippers. Faith and Goodman Brown will face a diabolic journey to hell, and fight against the will of the evil which is nearly impossible for everyone in town has walked through sin. I am writing about â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† because I am trying to show you how Hawthorne relies on the allegorical figures of Faith, the old man, and Goodman Brown to explain that everyone has evil within their own nature. Faith plays an important role that functions as an allegorical figure throughout Goodman Brown’s diabolic journey. For example, at the beginning of the story, young Goodman Brown comes late to his meeting with the old man. As a result, he excused himself by stating â€Å"Faith kept me back† (Hawthorne pg. 387). Besides Faith being his wife’s name, it is an allegory for religious faith. It is emphasized at the beginning of the story that this couple comes from a Puritan’s society. In addition, their religious beliefs are strict, for they fear that any careless action may lead them to hell. In this scene, Goodman Brown commits a careless mistake when heShow MoreRelatedThe Depiction Of Evil And The Heart Of The Story Of Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee Essay1266 Words   |  6 PagesEvery man or woman is capable of harbouring innate evil. From the first mention of Adam and eve in the bible, man has continuously committed evil and co-existed with it. Regardle ss of whether it has always been there or man created it, evil has remained embedded within our society. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Louis Armstrong A Great Blues Player - 1257 Words

Louis Armstrong was born on August 4, 1901 in a poor area of New Orleans, Louisiana nicknamed â€Å"The Battlefield†. His father supported the family by working in a factory but he left soon after Armstrong was born. His mother then supported them by prostitution and leaving him with his grandmother. Armstrong left school in the fifth grade to work for a Jewish family by collecting junk and delivering coal. After firing a gun in the air as part of a New Year’s celebration in 1912, Armstrong was arrested. He was sent to the Colored Waif’s Home for Boys. It was there he first learned how to play the cornet and discovered his love for music. In 1914 the home let him go and he began to work odd jobs such as selling newspapers and hauling coal while continuing to play music. People began to recognize him as a great blues player and one of the best cornet players in town, Joe â€Å"King† Oliver began to mentor and teach Armstrong more about music. In 1918 he rep laced a musician in Kid Ory’s band, which was the most popular band in New Orleans at the time. Because of this he was finally able to quit his odd jobs and focus all his attention to music. In 1919 Armstrong played on riverboats during the summer months with a band led by Fate Marable. He also encountered Bix Beiderbecke and Jack Teagarden while playing there and he had the opportunity to improve his music reading skills. His early career was spent as a jazz musician. In 1922 King Oliver asked him to move to Chicago to join hisShow MoreRelatedLouis Armstrong s Life, His Music And Influence On Others1565 Words   |  7 Pagesdo my project on is Louis Armstrong. I chose Louis Armstrong because I wanted to do my project on a singer as well as a musician. I chose him because he was one of the few people that I knew about, also because I did some research on him and listened to his music and I thought that he was interesting to write about. My main three things that I’m going to discuss about Louis Armstrong will be his life, his music and influence on others. I’m going to describe how and where Louis Armstrong’s grew upRead MoreKing Of Jazz : Louis Armstrong1617 Words   |  7 PagesJazz History 30 March. 2015 King of Jazz - Louis Armstrong At the mention jazz music, that person will first think of is likely to be a great figure with a clown image, nicknamed Satchmo. The man was Louis Armstrong. He is a husky singer, often with a trumpet in his hand. He played dramatic works of simple structure in Orleans jazz style and with the accompaniment of Dick jazz music. Each of the books on jazz music will mention his name. Louis Armstrong was to jazz music what Bach is to classicalRead MoreKing Of Jazz : Louis Armstrong1617 Words   |  7 PagesJazz History 30 March. 2015 King of Jazz - Louis Armstrong At the mention jazz music, that person will first think of is likely to be a great figure with a clown image, nicknamed Satchmo. The man was Louis Armstrong. He is a husky singer, often with a trumpet in his hand. He played dramatic works of simple structure in Orleans jazz style and with the accompaniment of Dick jazz music. Each of the books on jazz music will mention his name. Louis Armstrong was to jazz music what Bach is to classicalRead More Biography of Louis Armstrong Essay1236 Words   |  5 PagesLouis Armstrong was born in one of the poorest sections in New Orleans, August 4, 1901. Louis a hard-working kid who helped his mother and sister by working every type of job there was, including going out on street corners at night to singing for coins. Slowly making money, Louis bought his first horn, a cornet. At age eleven Armstrong was sent to juvenile Jones Home for the colored waifs for firing a pistol on New Year’s Eve. While in jail Armstrong received his first fo rmal music lesson from oneRead MoreThe Legacy Of Louis Armstrong Essay1401 Words   |  6 PagesLouis Armstrong, one of the most influential figures in jazz music, enjoyed a career that spans across 50 years, and through different eras of jazz. Nicknamed† Satchmo†, â€Å"Pops†, and† Ambassador Satch†, Armstrong could do it all, he sang, occasionally acted, composed music, but was most famous for his cornet and trumpet playing. Although Armstrong is well known for his amazing trumpet play, he also influenced the direction that jazz music during his time was headed. Over the course of this paper IRead MoreAnalysis Of Scott Joplin s Maple Leaf Rag 858 Words   |  4 Pageshis song during the same interval in the musical piece. The melody of the tones seem to be very light and yet fast paced. Louis Armstrong who was an African-American composer of Jazz in the early 20th century. He was one of the greatest and probably still the greatest trumpet players of all time. He is nicknamed â€Å"Satchmo† or â€Å"Pops† during his generation. Armstrong was known for virtuosity with the trumpet and cornet. During his lifetime, his career stretched between five decades from 1920s-1960sRead MoreLouis Armstrong and His Music Essay1366 Words   |  6 PagesLouis Armstrong and His Music â€Å"The essence of jazz- making something new out of something old, making something personal out of something shared- has no finer exemplar than Armstrong.† (Hasse par. 3) During the 1920’s a young African American man, otherwise known as Louis Armstrong, helped create and represent a new twist on popular music. This music that became so famous and well loved today is also referred to as jazz. Louis Armstrong had a very successful jazz career performing and composingRead MoreLouis Armstrong : The Era Of Jazz1449 Words   |  6 PagesLouis Armstrong once said â€Å"If you ask what jazz is, you’ll never know.† Armstrong was conveying the message that jazz is whatever the performer makes of it, for there are no rules or restrictions on what the performer can do. Louis Armstrong was a famous jazz trumpeter from New Orleans who influenced the era of jazz tremendously throughout the years with his unique style, which included bringing in improvisation to pi eces. The quote stated earlier can be applied to life, showing that in order toRead MoreLouis Armstrong Essay850 Words   |  4 PagesLouis Armstrong Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 4, 1901 to Mayanne and William Armstrong. His father abandoned his family during Louis infancy. Louis spent the first years of his life with his grandmother, Josephine Armstrong. After age five, Louis moved back with his mother and his sister, Mama Lucy. The family was forced to live in stark poverty. Louis got into some trouble when he was just 12 years old and was placed in the Waifs Home for Boys. It wasRead MoreThe Most Popular Instrument of All Time: The Trumpet Essay892 Words   |  4 Pagesprobably the most popular instrument of all time. With talented musicians like Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis, the trumpet has been able to endure. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the careers of Armstrong and Davis, and how the trumpet became their way into Jazz. Louis Armstrong was born on August 4th 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Louis had a hard and painful childhood. In 1922 at the age of 21 Louis moves to Chicago to play cornet in a band lead by Joe Oliver. In September 1924

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Black Boy Essay Research Paper Most young free essay sample

Black Boy Essay, Research Paper Most immature people have a dream of what they want to go. Maybe it doesn # 8217 ; Ts have to be a dream, but some sort of end that they reach for. In the book, Black Boy, Richard, the chief character, besides had a dream, even though he lived in the South with strong white favoritism, force per unit area and a bad relationship with his relations. As a pupil right now, I have dreams that I want to accomplish in the hereafter, even though I truly wear # 8217 ; t cognize how to accomplish those dreams. Normally, when people are immature, they have dreams of what they want to go. Those dreams may be being a fireman, baseball participant, instructor, pilot and so many other great occupations. When I was a kid, I truly wanted to go a pilot. The ground that I wanted to go a pilot when I was a kid is that my male parent is a pilot. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Boy Essay Research Paper Most young or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Richard had a dream to go a author. However, Richard Wright # 8217 ; s chief dream and grounds that made him hold his dream are truly different from mine. Richard was discriminated against by the Whites, and was non treated reasonably by his relations. This awful environment, which Richard lived through his immature age, led him to seek freedom in nature. Even though he dreamed to go a author, he had no leeway to believe about dreams like that or mine. At first, he was merely hungry for a better life and environment. Richard # 8217 ; s dream was to travel up North for a better life and environment because he was tired of the favoritism and the racial differentiation between Whites and inkinesss. Richard and I are similar in some ways. I truly wear # 8217 ; t cognize how to acquire a occupation or anything. It is the same as Richard for non cognizing the world of being in the North and going a author. He merely imagined himself wor king all over the topographic point where he could happen occupations as one measure to make his dream. I study here in Keio and I believe that it is a measure and portion of a procedure to be an equal individual, to derive adequate cognition to hold a occupation in the hereafter. My dream right now is to hold a occupation that would allow me work in a foreign state. It is similar to Richard desiring to travel up North to go a author. Richard wants to travel to the North for a better life and environment to populate, and I want to interrupt free, to travel around the universe and work in many topographic points and non experience trapped by Nipponese society. Richard largely felt hungriness for something throughout the book. He was hungry for nutrient, school supplies, apparels, and instruction. He tried difficult to happen occupations and worked hard so that he could acquire those things on his ain. I have neer been hungry for the things that Richard was hungry for. I could neer conceive of myself working every bit difficult as I could in such a rough environment to acquire my ain nutrient or instruction. I have worked over the summer holiday in Japan, but I didn # 8217 ; t work for the things that Richard wanted. I worked for my pleasance and amusement. However, Richard is different from me and he worked difficult and got what he wanted. In order for Richard to accomplish his dream to go a author, he was able to make his first end, to travel up North. The environment of Richard and I are evidently so different, and it truly shows the difference in our two lives. Seeking his dreams, Richard worked truly difficult. I am being raised in a good environment where I don # 8217 ; t need to work to acquire instruction, nutrient or apparels. To me, Richard is a strong and determined individual. I learned from his life in the South and his experiences will promote me to contend strongly for my dreams.