Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The debate between pro-choice and pro-life Essay

The debate between pro-choice and pro-life - Essay Example The author of this paper believes that neither of these two candidates has thus far been able to sway those individuals who were pro-choice or pro-life to change their fundamental belief to a new or different philosophical standpoint. Clearly this debate is a lifelong and never-ending deliberation. Therefore should the individuals who are pro-choice just submit to those who are pro-life and accept defeat? You, the reader, be the judge. The Toulmin Model of Argumentation posits six primary elements in the course of an argument, namely, claim, grounds, warrant, backing support, rebuttal/reservation and clarification. Firstly, the claim is the statement of the argumentation. The second element of an argument is the grounds which are substantiated explanation for the claim. The third element is the warrant which refers to theory or the series of analysis that unite the grounds to the claim. The backing is the fourth element and its main purpose is to support the warrant. Rebuttal or reservation is the fifth factor and it gives an account of ‘counter-examples and counter-arguments’ which are two major components of the Toulmin model. The final ingredient is qualification which asserts a boundary to the claim, warrant and backing. This essay is an attempt to utilize the Toulmin model of argument to analyze the various arguments submitted to question pro-choice versus pro-life. Is there a difference between the human and an animal? The author of this paper believes that the animal level belongs to some dogs and other animals that would eat or kill their own offspring immediately upon delivery. The human element in us is that we have a choice- a choice to eat or kill the child or to allow the child to live to develop into all that it was meant to become. The author of this paper claims that the mere fact that a sperm and an egg were allowed to germinate should be basis enough to allow the new life that is been conceived to

Monday, February 10, 2020

Economic and Politic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Economic and Politic - Essay Example The then the situation began to reduce the number of home sales. Then, in 2007, this issue has developed into a credit crunch. Credit for almost any product can get anyone. Lack of control over the number of loans has led to the globalization challenges and the financial crisis. Experts call such causes of the global economic crisis: total cycle of economic development; the â€Å"overheating† of the credit market, and, consequently, the mortgage crisis; the high prices for raw materials; the implementation of shaky financial practices (such as credit-default swaps). In financial markets one of the hottest topics in the last few months was the situation connected with the economy of Greece, the macroeconomic imbalances which have become one of the factors which significantly weakened the euro. The base of imbalances is high fiscal deficit and public debt. According to preliminary estimates of the European Union the public debt of Greece has reached in 2009 113% of GDP, while fiscal deficit amounted to 12,7% of GDP. In terms of criteria for the stability of the EU budget deficit not exceed 3% of GDP, while public debt is limited to the level of 60% of GDP. So, it is clear that imbalances in the economy of Greece are above the EU limit. Ultimately, one of the causes worsening debt problem in Greece is not only itself the effect of the global financial crisis, but also undermining of the rules-based framework in the economic policy of the EU. First of all it should be admitted that limiting the amount of the budget deficit and public debt, which are the backbone of the so-called Maastricht criteria of the EU. The fact that compliance with these restrictions was not always consistent enough contributed to undermining macroeconomic discipline, especially in the public sector. The main consequence of concerns about the state of the economy of Greece is the strengthening of the position of the