Thursday, January 30, 2020

Are We Born Good or Evil Essay Example for Free

Are We Born Good or Evil Essay The age old question when discussing man has always been: Is man naturally good or evil? There are many arguments that say that man is naturally evil. There are many counter arguments that say that man is naturally good. Which one is it? Is man naturally good or evil? Thats why Im here. I will present arguments from both sides, and maybe some that share an entirely different argument, and then share my opinion about which I think. This papers purpose is not to tell you which is right, which is wrong, but to get you to think about man and his nature. I must first define the terms good and evil before I am able to discuss which medium man is. I went to to find what the definitions of both terms. Evil produced five definitions, while good produced 41 definitions. I will discuss why this is weird later, but for now, just the definitions. Evil is basically something that is morally wrong. Its something thats intent is to hurt others. Good is basically something that is right, and its intent is to help others or do something for someone else. Now that Ive basically defined the terms, we can now discuss what man is. I conducted a survey on an internet forum asking people what they thought man naturally was. 33% think man is naturally both good and evil, 28% think man is naturally neither good nor evil, 28% think man is naturally evil, and 11% think man is naturally good. When I proposed the question, I was thinking that people would just say good or evil. It was not my intention for them to also say neither or both. What surprised me the most was that good was so low, while evil was so high. Is man naturally evil? Possibly. Many believe that humankind is entirely selfish, only looking out for oneself. Its our animal instinct they say. We do what we must to survive. If that means hurting someone else to get ahead, then thats the way it is. Me, me, me; its always about what I want, and not what anyone else wants. There are wars in our world simply because one side thinks the other is evil and must be destroyed and vice versa. This usually involves religion. Man is evil because Satan persuaded Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. They wanted to be like God, so they ate the fruit. Thats where sin came into play. So because of their act, all mankind is born into sin, which makes man naturally evil. Is man naturally good? Possibly. Even though many people do not think man is good, there are some people that do. They think that love is a natural instinct, and love is good. Man does not have the instinct to hurt or kill simply because they choose to. Man is compassionate. Man wants to be happy. Man wants to love and to be loved. Man cares about whom they love. Humankind tries to help one another in times of need. Man believes in the humanistic perspective, in that mans mind is inherently good, constantly striving to learn more and reach its full potential. Anything that happens along the way is subject interpretation. Once again, religion can come into play. God created man in His image. God is good, which makes man good. Even though sin came upon humankind, man is still created in Gods image, so man must naturally be good. Perhaps man is neither good nor bad. Perhaps when we are born we simply are there, we are neutral. 28% of people say this. They say that man is neutral, and is influenced by their culture on what is good and what is evil. Good and evil are just terms created by man; opinions. Wars are never a battle between good and evil, but rather a battle between differing opinions of what goodness and evil constitute. Good and evil change based on the morals that you learn. There is only the perception of humanity which attempts to give itself some fundamental depth where there is inherently none. Evolution didnt design us to be civilized and polite. We are hunters and gatherers. In the end we are carbon based life forms evolved from single celled organisms. Good and evil are objective constructs. They dont exist without people to perceive them; they are not a priority. For example a soldier can be seen as a hero from one side and a terrorist from another. Its all about perspective. Religion can come into play here as well. Is atheism considered a religion? Is believing in nothing but what you see considered a religion? A belief in God creates a religion, so a belief in something else (in this case, nothing) should create a religion, right? Ill just say belief and leave it like that. The atheistic belief is that the terms good and evil are nothing more than terms, created from religion. They believe that what we see is what we get. Man is born and is influenced into doing things (good or à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"evil things). Evil is perspective, as is good. One side of the world may see themselves as good, while another side of the world might see those same people as evil. The terms are simply opinions, nothing more. Maybe man is naturally both good and evil. 33% of people seem to think so. Man always has a choice. Man can either do good, or do evil; their choice. They can choose to hurt or to help. Its easier to go down the dark side and act on greed and other negative impulses, but we have the ability to choose the person we want to be and choose the light side instead. That is what makes man special, instead of a common animal that runs purely on instinct. Man can love and man can hate. Man can kill and man can create life. Man is compassionate. Man is vengeful. Humanity can choose to do good, and choose to do evil. It 50/50; heads or tails. Where do I fall into this? Is man evil, good, both, or neither? I dont believe man is neither good nor bad. I dont believe man is here simply because of chance. I dont believe good and evil are just terms created by man to help ourselves feel better about our choices. Humanity isnt here because of an accident, or because of an explosion. Were too perfect to be. Im not saying man is the perfect being, because we all make mistakes, but were just made up so well I just dont see how we are just an accident. Do I think man is influenced in his decisions from family, culture, or even the media? Yes. But I believe man has this natural instinct to be good or evil. I do believe that man is both good and evil. Man can do great, wonderful, terrible, and horrifying things. Tony Soprano from the television series The Sopranos is a good example. He is a loving husband and father, but hes also a mobster who kills people and puts hits on people. Benjamin Franklin had many ideas for America and even invented electricity, but he was also an adulterous and a very sleazy man. If the perception of man being both good and evil is true, then each decision that humanity makes must be struggle, since good tells you to do one thing, while evil tells you to do something else. Its like youre mind is split in two. I realize thats a stretch, but Im trying to deduce all ideas around this belief. And if man can be both, can they be one or the other? I guess well find out. I do not believe man is naturally evil. Do we have evil tendencies? Sure, but that doesnt mean that the first thing I think of when I see someone is that I want to kill them. I dont wake up every day thinking Oh goody, I get to hurt someone today! because thats just stupid. Do I think that people think this? Unfortunately, yes. I dont think there are many people that do think this, but I believe there are some. People can be selfish, sure, but peoples intentions usually arent to hurt others. There is the exception though, like the popular kids in high school who make fun of the geeks just because they think its funny. Luckily, life isnt like high school at all. Evil is very real in my opinion, but we always have a choice to do evil, and I do my best to avoid it. I do believe that man is naturally good. We as humans strive to be happy. Thats what were all searching for in my opinion. We want to love and to be loved. Plus, man has this wonderful thing called a conscience. Its this little voice inside ones head that tells you when youre doing something wrong. We try to have a good day each day, even if we know that day is going to suck. Humanity tries to help each other out in times of need. Some people give to charities; others become counselors or doctors. Many people when they are children want to become policemen or firemen because, not only do they have cool uniforms, but because they help people. Its very hard to talk about good when all people usually think about is the bad. Even I think more about the bad rather than the good. Is that because I feel bad for thinking about the evil? I think so. The evil might be affecting us in one way or another. We try to do good, but sometimes the evil simply takes over and theres not much to stop it. We simply give in because its easier. Theres a quote in the bible that says The road to hell is straight and wide, and its filled with people, but the road to heaven is shallow and is filled with many turns. There arent many people on this road. I know the quote isnt exactly that, but thats not the point. The point is, doing evil is easy, while doing good is hard. But how can one truly live their lives if all they ever did was the easy thing? Itd be very hard to do. Whats really sad is that at, there are 41 definitions for evil and only five definitions for good. Why is this sad? Because it seems like we as humans always are trying to do good, but for one reason or another, it turns into evil, and so people get hurt. So there are 41 definitions because people get hurt. People usually think about the bad times rather than the good times. We dont really think about good things because we dont think they come in our lives very often, so there are five definitions of good because they seem so far away to attain, even if theyre not. My choice is that naturally, man is good. Sure, we all make mistakes, but when we do we try to learn from those mistakes. I believe that we are not born and are here just because. How can one truly live their life knowing that they are an accident? I dont see how thats possible. Humanity can do terrible, horrible things, but humanity can also do very good, even great things. Finding a cure for cancer, donating to a charity, helping someone paint their house just because they asked with nothing in return, the March of Dimes, Walk for Life, donating to Hurricane Katrina victims, or whatever else. We do a lot of good things yet we never really think about it. Maybe we give someone a quarter to help pay for something just because we have the change, or buying a friend dinner because they dont have any mother. Moving a shopping cart out of the road at Wal-Mart because someone might hit it or letting someone in front of you because they have one item while you have 25. Humanity does more g ood than what they think. We arent evil. We arent here just because. Were just naturally good, and it cant get better than that.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

THE SOUTH :: essays research papers

THE SOUTH   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The south can be defined in many ways depending on the person’s feelings toward it and that of which they have experienced. To me the south has to be the best place to live in all the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the things that stick out in my head about my beloved birthplace that will never be forgotten, because they’re held so dear to my heart, are the smiling faces that you see everywhere you look. I’m telling you; people here are so nice that you would be lucky to find someone rude towards you within a week’s period. That can only be best described just as plain ole’ southern hospitality. I mean the dialect of all the southerners is so comforting, it just reassures you that your plenty welcome all the time. The thing that gets me and always makes me appreciate the southerners’ lingo is the great analogies used by them. Seriously, For every situation you can think of there’s got to be about five southern phrases used to describe that very thing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another thing that defines the south is its culture. Where else can you find a garage sell at every turn. I mean where else is there a state park that hosts a gathering of country folk to sell all there junk to another southerner who in turn will be right back at that same place with a stand of their own trying to get rid of the dang thing they bought just a few weeks ago. The funny thing is, if you ever decided to take a drive through the south, you would probably mistake some southerner’s land as a yard sell or junkyard for that matter. Most southerners aren’t surprised when they see they’re friends yard covered with old tires, rusty cars, broken chairs, and all of these things just swallowed in 3 foot of grass that hasn’t been cut since little Bo wrecked the tractor used to bush hog the thick stuff. I mean there’s just no telling what you might find in that very grass. All southerners love wearing boots and I can surely see why, because every yard you walk through you’ll soon stub your toe on just about anything from a old toilet to some scrap metal that’s going to be used to put a roof on a shooting house whenever winter blows in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The atmosphere down here is great also.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Human Lives Depending on Technologies

As we approach the new millenium, it has become obvious that more than ever before, we need technology. And yet every new technology places new demands upon us creating new forms of frustration and stress. We can not live with it, but we can not live without it. If we fail to conform ourselves, will we remain the ignorant victims of the computer age? Will we become its slave? This is the focus of this paper. We have learned from our readings that the Luddites learned about the technology that was being abused in their time. They worked on the cotton gin machines and were skilled technicians. They understood that it was not the power of a useful machine they were fighting but the power of those who mismanaged it. The same can be said for the management of computer technology. There is not doubt that computer technology has become central to the operation of global multinationals, financial markets, security surveillance, and as well as everyday life. There is little we can do with a computer interface device that will preserve our identity. Governments acting as a global police force protecting us from ourselves can easily monitor the electronic trail of commands and transactions. Perhaps the Luddites could see farther into the future than anyone suspected. With regards to the downfall of technology and the role it would play on people's lives, as they became dependent upon technology for survival. Let's take for example the huge technological dilemma of the fast approaching twenty-first century; the issues surrounding Y2K. It has been feared that people's lives will be totally devastated, as the technology they have grown to depend on will suddenly fail them on January 1, 2000. It is thought by many that all of the technology that we have come to depend upon for survival will cease to function successfully. The cars which we depend on for travel, the coffee we depend on to start our day, the electronically controlled furnaces we depend on for heat, and the elevators we depend on to bring us to work will suddenly fail us all together. Even the traffic lights will become chaotic as the computers that control them will be tricked into believing it is January 1, 1900. Even the great mastermind computer programmers of our time could not think of anything more than a band-aid solution to the transportation problem. It appears that the Transportation Department of the City of Calgary will solve their traffic light dilemma by tricking the computer system that controls the traffic lights into believing it is January 1, 1972. Obviously this band-aid solution will not solve all problems, as this will still be a problem for the next generation of transportation programmers. It appears as the New Millenium fast approaches we need to return to an age that does not depend on technology for survival. People are concerned that since no technology is reliable enough to survive the Y2K dilemma that we will have to return to the ways of our ancestors for survival during this time of technological uncertainty. Heaven forbid if we could not get a fresh loaf of bread from our technologically advanced breadmakers. Information technology is a valuable extension of our power of perception and reasoning, but when we rely on it exclusively it has a debilitating effect. When we were first confronted with this new technology it absorbed all of our human resources in order to learn and adapt to the magnitude of this new technology. Many of us overextend ourselves and become obsessive allowing computers to consume all of our attention; therefore, losing our perspective of reality and purpose. If this remains the permanent attitude resulting in the overextension of our own resources, which this technology was meant to serve, then we have become the servants of this technology.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Environmental Scanning - 1483 Words

Environment Analysis: Creative Confections I ve always liked to be adventurous with food, especially desserts, said Lavonne Temple, founder of Creative Confections (CC), a small and emerging specialty bakery in Jacksonville, Florida. Starting with cake and candy recipe experimentation in 2002, Temple developed a tidy little business selling scrumptious specialty cakes and candies from a home-based operation. Increasing demand for Temple s upscale homemade confections recently poised CC on the brink of major expansion. In the next decade, CC can expect to encounter changing trends within the baking industry, each impacting the company s long-term environmental objectives in remote, industry, and operational contexts. Remote†¦show more content†¦Augustine, and Fernandina. Marketing innovation Ââ€" Seeking future market differentiation via a unique kiosk-fresh operational format is an intriguing approach. The kiosk plan involves baking standard cakes in a self-contained, multi-purpose program in a maximum of 100 square feet of production/sales space, installed in shopping malls and other retail outlets that wish to profit from high-margin, fresh-from-the oven impulse food products (CAIMA, 2003). Strategic objective: Eventually acquire kiosk-fresh partnering opportunities with The Avenues, St. Johns Square, and Orange Park Mall. The tantalizing aroma of a freshly-baked cake, prepared delectably in full view of customers, will communicate an image of quality, freshness, and better taste, giving CC a chance to network for corporate and private orders (CAIMA). Operations environment Corporate contacts Ââ€" Tapping into the corporate gift market is a lucrative operational trend, suggested to continue in the future (Retail Bakers Association). Local business behemoths, such as Blue Cross-Blue Shield, CSX Transportation, and Vistakon, confirm this trend, as each send upscale food and gift items to clients as appreciation gifts (Personal communication, entity HR departments, 2005). Intriguing corporate baking opportunities also beckon CC to contract in the future with the Jacksonville Jaguars, ATP Tennis Tour, and theShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Scanning1136 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironmental Scanning To assure the success of a business over a long period of time the business must be able to conduct regular analysis of their success. They must be able to determine where they are today and have a goal of where they would like to see themselves 5-10 years down the road. In order to conduct a true analysis of the company, one must complete an environmental scan of their organization. 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